Federal Archives

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) contains all of the general and permanent regulations of the United States government, which affect nearly every aspect of life in the United States. The datasets are divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation.

Federal Register, 2000-Present 
The daily Federal Register is the official legal newspaper of the United States government. The publication documents regulatory actions and policies of Federal agencies that affect the rights and obligations of citizens, announces grants, benefits, and educational opportunities, and provides a forum for participation in the democratic process. Each dataset contains about 250 individual issues of the Federal Register.

Historical Statistics of the United States (1789-1945)

This historical supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States presents, in compact form for ready reference, approximately 3,000 statistical time series which cover various periods from 1789 to 1945.

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