Britannica Online

Encyclopedia Britannica Online provides access to over 65,000 subjects. Entries include text, illustrations and World Wide Web links. Updated Quarterly. (1983 - present).
Keywords: Britannica, encyclopedia

Columbia Encyclopedia, 5th edition. Edited by Chernow, Barbara A., George, Vallasi A., NY: Columbia University Press; Boston, Mass: distributed by Houghton Mifflin Co., c1993.

The single-volume Columbia Encyclopedia was first published in 1935 as a "suitable companion to a good dictionary and atlas" for the general reader, and it still fits that description more than 75 years later. There are nearly 51,000 entries in this new edition, with 1,300 new entries and revisions made to 40 percent of the remainder.
Keywords: Columbia, encyclopedia

Containing nearly 51,000 entries, and with more than 80,000 hypertext cross-references, online version of Columbia Encyclopedia. Entries often include cross references to related articles or bibliographic references to other works.
Keywords: encyclopedia, online

World Factbook (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)

Maps and detailed information on the geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for countries worldwide.
Keywords: encyclopedia, world fact book

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