ASPA’S 2024 Election

Seven individuals—president-elect, five district representatives, and student representative—will be elected to ASPA leadership positions in 2024. Their service begins on April 1, 2025 at the conclusion of the 2025 Annual Conference.

All individuals will serve on the National Council, ASPA’s governing body. Among its responsibilities, the Council sets the organization’s strategic direction and policy; exercises fiduciary responsibility and ensures ASPA’s financial stability; and establishes and oversees Chapters, Sections, committees and other bodies.

ASPA bylaws provide that the slate of nominees for these positions should be “representative of the groups and professional interests within ASPA, seeking a balance of academic and practitioner, including international, nonprofit and all levels of government.” The Nominating Committee strongly considers an individual’s contributions to ASPA and public service when determining the slate of nominees.

ASPA policies direct that the slate of nominees should be diverse “relative to race, gender, ethnicity, disability, veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation and other important forms of diversity.” By seeking nomination to a leadership position, a candidate affirmatively commits to supporting ASPA’s financial wellbeing, which includes making an annual contribution to the organization.

Position Descriptions

Information on each position is listed below. Information on current leadership can be found here. ASPA bylaws provide details on the nomination process; click here for more.

President Elect
District Representative
Student Professional Representative


Who is eligible? An ASPA member in good standing who has been a member for at least one year immediately prior to nomination.

Who elects the president-elect? ASPA members in good standing, whose membership is current through the end of the voting period.

How long is the term? Two years, after which the individual ascends to the presidency for a two-year term.

What are the responsibilities? As president-elect, the individual serves on the National Council and Executive Committee; manages the Council’s work in establishing its annual performance goals, expectations and measures; and develops a report to the membership on meeting them.

As ASPA president, the individual:

  • Serves as a public spokesperson and public symbol for ASPA, promoting members’ interests and protecting their rights and welfare.
  • Exercises leadership of ASPA; chairs National Council meetings and the annual membership meeting; appoints members to committees and other bodies; and serves as ex-officio member with a vote on most ASPA committees.
  • Makes appointments as the bylaws require and/or are necessary in ASPA’s interests.
  • Executes faithfully ASPA’s bylaws and policies, protects members’ rights and welfare and promotes members’ interests.
  • Acts as a liaison among the executive director, officers and Council members, Chapter presidents, committee and Section chairs and others on policy matters.

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District Representative

Who is eligible? An ASPA member in good standing whose membership is current through the end of the voting period, who has been a member for at least one year immediately prior to nomination and whose primary residence or principal place of employment in the electoral district from which the individual is nominated and stands for election.

Who elects the district representative? ASPA members in good standing whose primary address is in the electoral district where the district representative is running.

How long is the term? Three years. A District Representative is eligible to serve no more than two full consecutive terms but is eligible to serve additional terms following at least one year of non-service. An incumbent seeking a second consecutive term shall be considered, but is not guaranteed, renomination.

What are the responsibilities? A District Representative is expected to assume leadership responsibilities vital to ASPA’s effective operations, including national, district, Chapter and Section responsibilities. The individual:

  • Actively supports ASPA’s goals, including leading development of its strategic direction and/or plan.
  • Engages in policy deliberations and decisionmaking impacting ASPA.
  • Represents ASPA’s goals and objectives to members and the general public.
  • Supports and facilitates the work of Chapters and Sections and liaises between them and the national organization.
  • Ensures prudent use of all assets, including financial resources, intellectual property, people and goodwill; seeks to enhance such assets; and fulfills its fiduciary responsibility by supporting activities that advance ASPA’s effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Makes an annual financial contribution to ASPA and participates in Council-led fundraising initiatives aimed at strengthening the organization’s financial position.
What are the districts?
  • District 1: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
  • District 2: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, West Virginia
  • District 3: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
  • District 4: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
  • District 5: Arizona, California, Hawaii, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah

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Student Representative

Who is eligible? An ASPA member in good standing whose membership is current through the end of the voting period, who has been a member for at least one year immediately prior to nomination, and who holds the student or new professional membership category.

Who elects the student representative? ASPA members in good standing who hold the Student or New Professional membership category.

How long is the term? One year.

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What skills are most needed on the National Council?

We seek candidates with a wide range of leadership skills, including a strategic and proven understanding of the public administration and public service profession—spanning practice and scholarship—to position ASPA for continued programmatic and financial growth. We welcome individuals with a commitment to the following:

  • Building a positive organizational culture. Engage and convene Chapter leadership and provide a District/locally based voice at the national organizational level. Actively participate in Chapter visits, contribute to cultivating new Chapters and strengthening existing ones; attend and support District-based conferences.
  • Participating in ASPA’s development activities. Support ASPA’s financial and programmatic position. Actively participate in Endowment- and fundraising-related efforts, including through an annual contribution; provide leads and recommendations on prospective donors/supporters. Recommend programmatic ideas that advance ASPA’s focus on the field’s most critical issues, including infrastructure, finance, social equity and public service.
  • Demonstrating a Duty of Care, Loyalty and Obedience. Consistent with the role of governing boards, ensure ASPA’s mission and welfare stands at the forefront of the member’s contributions to the National Council.
We are looking for thoughtful decisionmakers, strategic minds and action-oriented volunteers who are willing and able to work with the national organization’s professional staff as we continue to grow ASPA as the leading professional membership association for public service.

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