Section on Public Performance Management Symposium

Friday, March 9
8:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Mineral Hall E

Please join the Section on Public Performance Management (SPPM) for a lively and engaging discussion of contemporary public performance issues, featuring panels on evidence-based governance and performance management. The section will announce the Best Paper Award during the symposium.
Hosted by Elaine Yi Lu, Associate Professor, John Jay College, CUNY

8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. :

Evidence-Based Decisionmaking and Governance

Discussant: Gary VanLandingham (Florida State University)

Evidence-Based Governance – The Needed Next Stage of Performance Management
 - Gary VanLandingham (Professor and Reubin O’D. Askew Senior Practitioner in Residence, Florida State University)
 - Daniel Fay (Assistant Professor, Florida State University)

From Data-Driven Accountability to Data-Smart Collaborative Problem Solving: The 10 Year Evolution of “Stat” in Montgomery County, Maryland
 - Dennis Linders (CountyStat Analyst, Office of the Montgomery Co. Executive & PhD Candidate, University of Maryland)
 - Thomas Tippett (CountyStat Analyst, Office of the Montgomery County Executive)

Devolved Decision Authority and Performance Management Success: Examining the Relevance of Differences in Actual and Perceived Authority of Public Managers in Local Government
 - David Ammons (Professor, University of North Carolina)
 - Dale Roenigk (Director of North Carolina Benchmarking Project, University of North Carolina)

Does A “Polycentric” System of Governance Perform Better? Evidence from U.S. Large City Park Systems
 - Yu Shi (Assistant Professor, University of North Texas)
 - Yuan Cheng (Visiting Assistant Professor, Indiana University)
 - Simon Andrew (Associate Professor, University of North Texas)

Big Data from Small Places: Impacts of Funder Accountability for Grassroots & Community-based Organizations
 - Stephanie Dolamore (Research Analyst, University of Baltimore)
 - Angela Kline (Assistant Professor, Bowie State University)

9:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.:

Using Data and Evidence to Inform Budgeting and Management in the States

Discussant: Katherine Willoughby (University of Georgia)

Examining State-Led Efforts to Use Data & Evidence in Decision-Making: A National Overview
 - Kathryn White (Senior Policy Analyst, National Association of State Budget Officers)

Fostering Continuous Improvement in State Government with Colorado’s Performance Management System & Training Academy
 - Henry Sobanet (Director, Colorado Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting)

Promoting Government Innovation and Efficiency in Michigan’s Office of Performance and Transformation
 - Jeff Bankowski (Chief Performance Officer and Executive Director, Michigan Office of Performance and Transformation)

Reflecting on a National Survey of Integrating Budgeting with Performance among State Juvenile Correction Agencies: Is the Agency Perspective a New Frontier?
 - Elaine Yi Lu (Associate Professor, University of New York-John Jay College)
 - Katherine Willoughby (Professor, University of Georgia)