Public Integrity Hall of Fame


2018 – Best Guest Editorial:

J. Patrick Dobel, “The Strategic Advantage of Conflict of Interest Laws”
Darnell L. Moore, “Black Radical Love: A Practice”

2018 – Best Article:
Natasha V. Christie, “A Comprehensive Accountability Framework for Public Administrators”
In their current state in the public administration literature, the various accountability frameworks build upon another, but are not in a comprehensive form so that practitioners may make use of them. The Comprehensive Accountability Framework (CAF) synthesizes the major components of prominent accountability frameworks in the literature by linking them together to create an actionable system of accountabilities. Doing so creates a more in depth understanding of accountability that acknowledges the respective values of those within an accountability network while at the same time work to create agreed upon accountability system(s) for their interorganizational relationship.

Tia Sherèe Gaynor, “Social Construction and the Criminalization of Identity: State-Sanctioned Oppression and an Unethical Administration”
What is considered a crime and who is considered a criminal is largely based on social constructions that have a longstanding presence in U.S. history. In the United States, the social construction of crime and criminality is disproportionately attributed to the behaviors of those with marginalized racial, sexual, and gender identities. This article explores sources and instances of systemic injustice by making explicit connections between the social construction of crime and criminality and the criminalization of identity. Negative social constructions shape the behaviors of public actors and institutions in such a way that they serve as sources and promoters of systemic and institutional injustice.

 2018 – Best Book/Film Review:
Lauren Azevedo’s review of “Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race” by Derald Wing Sue

Peter Stanley Federman’s review of “Four Crises of American Democracy: Representation, Mastery, Discipline, Anticipation” by Alasdair Roberts

2017 – Best Guest Editorial: Jonathan Rose, “Brexit, Trump, and Post-Truth Politics”
2017 – Best Article: Gjalt de Graaf and Zeger van der Wal, “Without Blinders: Public Values Scholarship in Political Science, Economics, and Law—Content and Contribution to Public Administration”
How and why are public values studied within public administration’s cognate disciplines? This question is addressed through a qualitative analysis of 50 public values (PVs) publications in political science, economics, and law published between 1969 and 2014. The findings show that political scientists intuitively connect PVs to the actual public rather than to government agencies and employees, whereas legal scholars often view PVs as public interests or rights. Economists are mostly concerned with how PVs can be qualified vis-à-vis private “value” and values. In short, each discipline views PVs in accordance with its key foci and epistemologies; as such, “wearing blinders” is not exclusive to one discipline. Moreover, a citation analysis shows that PVs scholars in the field of public administration seldom engage with literature from these disciplines, and vice-versa, even though doing so provides opportunities for broadening the discipline’s understanding of PVs and how they conflict, across various stages and functions of policy and administration, in the pursuit of good governance.

2017 – Best Book Review: Richard M. Jacobs’s review of “The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations (2nd ed.),” by James Svara

2016 Best Article: Staffan Andersson, “Beyond Unidimensional Measurement of Corruption”
This article discusses the effects of standard corruption measurement, as used in comparative research, for its accuracy in estimating and understanding corruption. Implicitly, standard measurements treat corruption as a one-dimensional phenomenon (measured by a single score) that can vary in incidence between countries (or other geographical entities), but not in form. Such measurements also tend to equate corruption with bribery. This article argues that the degree to which one-dimensional bribery-focused measurements constitute a suitable proxy for corruption differs across countries (i.e., the measurement discrepancy is not random across countries). In particular, these measurements are ill-suited to capture corruption in established democracies with highly developed economies, where corruption is expected to center on gaining access to and influence within strong state institutions rather than on bribery. Sweden, a “least-corrupt” case, is used to illustrate the effects of relying on such measurements in such a setting, and to show that whereas bribery might be a relatively rare event, undue influence and interest conflicts can be a frequent occurrence.

2016 - Best Book Review: John Nalbadian’s review of “Public Participation for 21st Century Democracy,” by Tina Nabatchi and Matt Leighninger

2015 – Best Article: J. Patrick Dobel, “What Athletic Achievement Can Teach About Ethics”
Athletic achievement exemplifies the nature of classical ethical virtue. Aristotelian virtue grows from self-mastery combined with intentionally learned skills of practice and striving with others to achieve a common purpose. Virtue expresses itself through judgment and action that flow from the integration of cognitive, emotional, perceptual, physical, and relational attributes into pattern recognition and coordinated activity to achieve a purpose. Athletic excellence embodies such integrated judgment and action. Personal, professional, and athletic achievement all express similar structural virtues. Such intentional and virtuous action grows not only from self-discipline but also from self-knowledge and the cognitive commitment to study, learn, and master complex skills. It manifests as the integrated cognitive, emotional, and physical ability to sacrifice and overcome obstacles. Athletic excellence further requires serious commitment to social community and its norms. Athletic achievement demonstrates how the virtues of self-mastery, sacrifice, courage, truthfulness, curiosity and learning, and honor and loyalty unite to support high levels of professional excellence. As a form of virtue, athletics possesses ethical worth that deserves respect and emulation.

2014 – Best Article: Doron Navot, “The Concept of Political Corruption: Lessons from a Lost Epoch”
This article revises the concept of political corruption by bringing a fresh perspective to prebehavioral scholarship. It acknowledges prior scholarship but also recognizes its limitations. By refuting the assertion that early twentieth-century conceptions are irrelevant, understanding of political corruption and public integrity can be enhanced.